The chief problem of education is “Learning”. Learning by What circumstances? By which educational methods? At what speed and up to what extent?
Today education is child centered, and the child occupies a prominent place in the process of imparting and gaining education. It is necessary for the teacher to be acquainted with the chief characteristics of physical, mental, cognitive, emotional and social development during infancy, childhood and adolescence of the students.
Efforts have been made to provide behavior education in accordance with the psychology.

Creativity too has been our desirable concept and much emphasis has been laid on it. How to make students form good habits and evade bad habits. Memory forgetting, transmission of play-way methods of education of learning is also our concept.
In addition to nature of evaluation, mental, educational, diagnostic and teacher made tests, achievement tests will be applied for the betterment of the student.
Checking student’s personality, examination of his intellect, examination of his interest, test of his achievements can he utilized by the teacher to developing in all respect. Sanidhya Academy Sansthan is committed to provide all around development of a child.
Our universe is flooded with ample opportunities. Sanidhya Academy School, is the brainchild of the visionaries and the effort of a topnotch team, who have studied best systems of education and have implemented these high standards in our institution. The concept that motivates Sanidhya Academy School is to guide students towards lively learning with creative thinking. “Education should be a enriching experience.” Learning should be exciting for every child. The child should enter the portals of the school with eagerness and trust. Our teaching methods introduce the most innovative projects, models, and practical demonstrations. To emerge as a winner in today’s competitive world Sanidhya Academy School, aim to mould the students to face and excel in any examination both at state and national levels. In addition to the prescribed syllabus we also offer students first hand experience of entire world as laboratory in order to make them responsible and active citizens of tomorrow. Turst Sanidhya Academy School, to fulfill your ambitions. This is the school where beautiful minds blossom and success smiles forever.